I almost forgot. We will be able to use parks this year. This is the first time in years that we will be able to use the parks during Derby Weekend. Massa sho is kind.
I'm interested to see how this turns out. Every year it's a little different. I remember one year when they completely blocked off the West End during Derby. It took me almost 2 hours to find my way home. I don't think I have ever been as mad before in my life. I know the city would never block off the Highlands or Middletown like they did the West End.
Even with the relaxed standards I'm pretty sure that some things wont change. There will be at least 300 police officers on or near Broadway. They will wind up closing some parts of Broadway or some side streets. Like every year the police helicopter will be a near constant presence. Starting Friday afternoon to Sunday afternoon the Ghettobird (urbanslang for police helicopter) will be in the skies 24-7. There will be police on the tops of the tallest buildings overlooking Broadway. They will wind up closing Chickasaw Park at least twice over the weekend. Last but not least. You wont be able to drive 5 blocks without seeing the police pull someone over.
I live about 2 blocks from Broadway on a busy street that feeds Broadway. Personally, cruising never really bothered me. I just did like everybody else. Set up tent and sold food from in front of my house. The cruisers pretty much stayed on Broadway, so getting around wasn't that bad. I could just take the many side streets to where I wanted to go.
I can understand the city wanting to stop Derby because it was a "problem." The main problem being that it didn't fit in with the image of the Derby. Yeah traffic was really bad on Broadway, but like I said most of the side streets were open. All the LMPD had to do was call the Daytona or the Panama City police departments and get some ideas on how to effectively "police" cruising, but I digress.
Now that Derby Cruising is no more, I'm at least happy they opened Broadway and the parks. However, there are several night spots on broadway that can now operate normally on Derby weekend. The problem is that like most night spots in urban neighborhoods parking is limited. Usually that's not a problem because you could just park on the street. However, you can't park on the street. I wonder how that will be resolved?
We will see what happens. Here is the link to the Story in the C-J.
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